2004 – Blue Steel



Drive Train/ Transmissions:

6 wheel drive – teter chassis

2 speed, four motor drive (First year Paragon used this type of drive)

High gear: 9ft/sec

Low gear: 5ft/sec

Skyway Drive wheels


Positioned Robot to acquire doubler ball immediately at the start of the teleoperated period


Light/Strong/Flexible, made of 1/2in “Europly” (9 ply Russian Birch)

Total Robot weight: 120lbs

Base dimensions- 20″x35″

Scoring Arm:

Pneumatics “Doubler Ball” grappler

Articulated wrist

Torsion bar Shock Absorber

Aircraft Cable Drive.

Ball Collection:

CIM Driven intake roller aka “Spucker”

9 ball transport capacity (held up to 15 in competition)

Capable of delivering balls to human player from half field