Robots looking for Home!

We have received news from Griffin Land, our generous sponsors for many years, that they will need to rent out our build site to another company. For years Griffin Land has generously donated our work space to Team Paragon. This means that we are on the lookout for a new home. If you know of any land management companies that have a space to rent to the team for little or nothing please let us know as soon as possible.
As early as December 1st of this year, we will need to be moved out of our current location, and hopefully moved into a new home. We are working diligently to acquire another place to operate out of, however we would greatly appreciate any and all help from those who are a part of the Paragon community. If you have any leads or know of anyone who might want to donate a work area to us, we encourage you to contact us. We would like to thank Griffin Land for 7 wonderful years together.