FIRST Team Paragon 571

Windsor, CT

Captain’s Update – Final Days

Team Paragon is at the end our build cycle. On Tuesday the 21st we ended our 2012 build season. We made incredible progress over the last week and a half. All subgroups really came together during the past week to cover a lot of ground. Collectively we feel that we are in a good place to go to The NorthEast Utilities Regional Competition at the end of March with our robot- Metal Arc!

Click to View “Final Days” update

Captain’s Update – Week 3

Week 3 was very productive for Team Paragon. Now that the planning and strategizing is done, we are able to
buckle down and build our bot! Our prototype bot is coming along nicely, and our competition bot is in the works.

Click to View the Week 3 Update

Captain’s Update – Week 1

Team Paragon has been working hard over the past week since the game was released. All of our subgroups are in full gear and working hard toward designing and building our competition robot. We have made a lot of headway in our six subgroups this week.

Click to View the Week 1 Update